Why I believe in MIRACLES

Quote: Faith & Miracles
Faith is something that strengthens over time. When you see God perform miracles in your life, you become a living testimony of how great our God can be!
But you must have faith in God & of course do your part,
God rewards you unconditionally when He sees your pure heart!
Miracles – Why I believe in them…
The more suffering that comes to you, the more MIRACLES you will see,
You must hold on to FAITH no matter how difficult it be;
They’ll be unreasonable people who’ll tear your soul to shreads,
Stand up for yourself when needed but treat them with KINDNESS instead;
You may face injustice, corruption & so much that isn’t right,
But you must continue SHINING through with GOD’S DIVINE LIGHT,
The devil will try to tempt you, to misdirect you miles astray,
You have to be on guard, continue focusing on God’s HOLY way;
No matter how hard or difficult, you walk the right path,
God is with you & HE was with you right from the start !
And though sometimes He may not wipe your pain but give you the strength to bear,
He’ll guide you with WISDOM & TRUTHFULNESS, all your burderns he’ll share;
At times when your cross is painfully heavy & no light you may see,
Remember JESUS already carried your burdens on the way to CALVARY;
He holds you even today as you wearily walk your way,
I promise, you’ll find the greatest comfort when you seek him in PRAYER;
He won’t refuse to grant you, whatever you ask of him in FAITH,
He knows what’s best for you, and it’s always worth the wait !
Don’t worry little one, hold on to faith, there’s so much I never knew,
Importantly, knowing – He never refuses prayers of those hearts that are TRUE!