Poem: It is only Hope

Poem: It is only Hope

Losing hope is easy,

But staying strong is hard,

And because the world may seem brutal,

Somewhere you’ve put on your guard,

This world will tell you much,

Many lies to put you down,

But you, oh wonderful woman,

You must not wear that frown!

Let them tell you cruel things,

Let them try as much,

Stay strong for yourself,

Let not weight of the negatives crush,

Because holding on to hope,

Means never giving up,

And not giving up is the best you can do,

When it’s between life and death,

It is only HOPE, that reassures you!

By Lee-Anne D’Costa
Poem: It is only Hope
Losing hope is easy,
But staying strong is hard,
And because the world may seem brutal,
Somewhere you've put on your guard,
This world will tell you much,
Many lies to put you down,
But you, oh wonderful woman,
You must not wear that frown!
Let them tell you cruel things,
Let them try as much,
Stay strong for yourself,
Let not weight of the negatives crush,
Because holding on to hope,
Means never giving up,
And not giving up is the best you can do,
When it's between life and death,
It is only HOPE, that reassures you! By Lee-Anne D'Costa
“Hold on to HOPE!”

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