Our Lady Queen of the Home Rosary

Introduction: What is the rosary to Our Lady of The Home?
Taken from the book ‘OUR LADY’S MESSAGE OF MERCY TO THE WORLD’, this rosary was given to the author so that it can help us, sinners. Revealed on page 269 of this book, this simple yet powerful short rosary is a beautiful hymn to Our Blessed Mother. Say it whenever you please or during the feast of Our Lady Queen of the Home. The novena starts on the eve of The Assumption and ends on the Queenship of Mary. And also, Our Lady Queen of the home as named by Mary herself.
The Rosary:
I believe…
Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory be…
On the Large bead (3 times):
O Virgin defend me all pure and sweet
Say 3 times on large bead (The Our Father bead)
Small beads (10 beads):
P: Our Lady Queen of The Home,
All: Pray for us
Say Our Lady Queen of the home and all repeat Pray for us (similar to Hail Mary and Holy Mary in the normal rosary)
Conclude by reciting the ‘Hail Holy Queen’…