Poem: My Father’s Day Poem
I cannot imagine my world without this man;
Who first held my tiny little fingers and taught me to stand!
Who taught me life’s lessons and pain that life brought;
That answers to sorrows can sometimes never be sought!
He taught me that the most important treasure is a ‘HEART OF GOLD’;
And RELATIONSHIPS are BLESSINGS that I must tightly hold;
That, MY MIRACLES are measured by the beautiful people I have;
That HAPPINESS is measured by what is shared!
The meaning of life would only be understood when we give;
And LOVE is that ‘GREATEST MIRACLE’ by which we all live!
If I ever find ‘TRUE LOVE’ I should guard it with my life;
Making PRAYER the only BEAUTIFUL SONG in times of joy or strife!
He taught me life’s lessons and made me who I am;
No words will do justice to describe this exceptional man!
Yes, he’s my Dad and I’m blessed to have him you see;
That’s how I know God’s abundant blessings are always with me! ?

(HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to all the lovely fathers out there. Let us celebrate our Dads not just today but every single day of our lives. I’m grateful to have a dad who taught me kindness, love, sacrifice, and selflessness by being a living example of all the beautiful values he instilled in me. THANK YOU DAD, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! 🙂 –
Posted on: June 21, 2020, Father’s Day.
~Lee-Anne D’Costa
2 Replies to “Poem: My Father’s Day Poem”
Thank you my dear little two life lines. Both of you are my strengths and reason for living, and of course apart from your dear Mama
Thank you dada 🙂