Write a rhyming POEM using these 2 simple steps
“Have you ever wondered if you could write poems that rhyme while meaning exactly what you want to convey?”
Sure you can! Let’s get started on how to write poems that rhyme taking an example: (http://leeannedcosta.com/2020/04/poem-you-are-beautiful/)
1. WRITE YOUR FEELINGS – SIMPLY SPELL THEM OUT! The first thing to do while writing your poem is to ‘Brainstorm feelings’ – write down all the emotions or feelings associated with the topic, no matter how simple it may seem. Write down all your thoughts. Keep it simple. Let’s say, for example, you want to convey to someone that they are beautiful. The first thought is – “You are beautiful!” Write that down, allow the rest of your thoughts to flow.
Associated to the above are these thoughts that come to me: Despite the marks on your face, despite everything that you feel about yourself, I feel the radiance when I look at your face, Your heave a beautiful heart, your beauty reminds me of the radiance of the stars. Though you don’t see yourself the way I do, you are still beautiful ’.

2. YOU’D WANT TO CHECK FOR SIMPLE WORD RHYMES – USE SYNONYMS IF NEEDED: I love the sound of rhymes in my poems. Here is how I use the rhyme scheme in my poems:
- Check for basic rhyming word pairs (at least one pair) – For instance: ‘are-scar’. ‘Scar’ can be used as a synonym for ‘marks on face’. Check for various combinations of words that rhyme. Others- are-star, are-far, beautiful-wonderful, face-grace. (Bonus Tip: You can use help from https://rhymezone.com/ to help find rhymes for words!)
- If the meaning you desire to convey doesn’t fit in with some of the rhyming pairs, you can leave those words out, or alternatively if you really want to convey the message, try different combinations of words. Try playing around with words. Example: You are beautiful just the way you are.
- Add the rhyming words to the end of a sentence; create 2 different sentences to give the rhyming effect, with the rhyme words at the end of each sentence. For example: Sentence 1– You are beautiful even with your every scar, Sentence 2– You are beautiful just the way you are;
The ‘scar’ of the first sentence rhymes with ‘are’ of the second. Similarly, write down the other lines; write them as they come to your mind, the sequence can be edited after the poem is complete.

RHYME IN STYLE WHAT YOU’VE BEEN THINKING FOR A WHILE: So now my poem reads something like this:
You are beautiful even with your every scar,
You are beautiful just the way you are;
Though you think you aren’t the best,
So much I think you are!
You think of others before yourself,
Like brightness radiating from a star!
Oh! Yes! How beautiful you are!!
You are beautiful even with your every scar!
Based on my experiences in writing for various projects, poetry can be created when I give myself the liberty to play around with words to present my thoughts. Editing and re-editing can be done after you’ve written a draft. If you would like to extend your poem, you can do so by repeating the most dominant rhyming phrase, similar to the choruses of famous songs. You can add in more lines, make it better, polish it but most importantly live the emotions you write. I use simple words to connect with my audience. I am told by others that my compositions are easy to understand because of the simplicity of vocabulary coupled with feelings.
You are beautiful even with your every scar,
You are wonderful just the way you are;
Though you think you aren’t the best,
So much I think you are!
Oh your heart, such sweet grace,
It’s not just your beautiful face;
It is just the person you are!
You think of others before yourself,
Like brightness radiating from a star!
Oh! Yes! How beautiful you are!!
You are beautiful even with your every scar!
Note: I used wonderful instead of beautiful & I added 3 more lines into the original poem.
To sum up what I’ve said: The 2 main steps to write rhyming poetry are 1) you got to write what you feel about the topic & 2) Find rhyming words from what you’ve written down – create sentences with the rhyming words at the end of each, so that the sentences together translate into meaningful messages. It’s that easy!
You can visit the POEMS category on the homepage to find more such rhyming and non-rhyming poems and quotes. I hope you like what you read here. All the best with creating your own masterpieces. 🙂
2 Replies to “Write a rhyming POEM using these 2 simple steps”
WOW!!! Very well explained. will surely try to do what you say ?
Thank you 🙂