Quote: Life’s Plan
“Sometimes plan B becomes your plan A”Don’t be afraid to choose what others like least
Coz others don’t see passion through your eyes!“
~Lee-Anne D.

Sometimes embracing your backup plan works the miracle you were waiting for all your life!
Ever felt like what you have now doesn’t make you happy? The routine you once longed for does not seem to make your heart beat with joy? Perhaps you discover that feeding your hidden talent brings you more joy? You put your soul into your backup plan and it works wonders for you! And yet there are some roadblocks, doubts, fears and worries. The path isn’t one that most choose. Don’t stress about the consequences. Live one day at a time! Believe the best will manifest with time. Breathe! And, tell your heart, “It’s alright!” Do what you enjoy doing. Work for what makes you happy even if that’s not the greatest in the opinion of the world. The beauty of life lies in those simple moments and in living those simple moments we can make life great! 🙂
~Lee-Anne D.