Poem: To die may be a blessing
My thoughts on why death maybe a blessing…
My thoughts on why death maybe a blessing…
A poem on life’s path
Miracles… Do you believe in them?
True Friends are blessings from God. They are rare and precious.
When the troublemakers get to you, don’t take it from them…
Our Mother – She’s always with us!
Have you lived the feelings of a depressed person? This is how it feels!
It is difficult to continue doing good, especially when crooked people do humiliating things to hurt you. And yet we are taught to be KIND, GENEROUS, HUMBLE and full of LOVE. It what makes us different from the unfortunate ones who believe that life is meant to be lived selfishly.
A poem that describes the relationship between earth and man.
Celebrate Your Father every day. He is God’s gift to you 🙂
To be yourself is the bravest thing to do!
Daughters learn from their mothers… And when a mother is a beautiful example of kindness, selflessness and pure LOVE, she helps in molding a better future by giving the WORLD more people like herself!
Dad writes this poem for his dearest daughter on her birthday…!
How often have we felt like we don’t belong here and yet we must stay? We pick up our crosses and walk along our way…
In times such these, our only HOPE is GOD.
Believe you are beautiful
When you think you can never lose you heart to someone but then the unexpected always happens…
God’s beautiful promise in Psalm 91 – one of the most read psalms of safety, assures us that we should not fear the worst because God promises to protect his faithful, ALWAYS.
For the times you feel like Heaven is your only HOME!
Life is a mixture of sweet and the bitter moments, something like this…