Category: POEMS

Poem: You must be You

Poem: You must be You

It is difficult to continue doing good, especially when crooked people do humiliating things to hurt you. And yet we are taught to be KIND, GENEROUS, HUMBLE and full of LOVE. It what makes us different from the unfortunate ones who believe that life is meant to be lived selfishly.

Poem: To Our Dearest Mom

Poem: To Our Dearest Mom

Daughters learn from their mothers… And when a mother is a beautiful example of kindness, selflessness and pure LOVE, she helps in molding a better future by giving the WORLD more people like herself!

Poem: Psalm 91 promise

Poem: Psalm 91 promise

God’s beautiful promise in Psalm 91 – one of the most read psalms of safety, assures us that we should not fear the worst because God promises to protect his faithful, ALWAYS.